In the world of Tarot and numerology, each person's life story is a unique blend of potential and destiny. I had the honor of helping Victor, a man facing big decisions about where to go and how to find love.
Victor, born and raised in Russia, was torn. He felt drawn to moving abroad, but he hesitated. He wondered if he was making the right choice, and he also wanted advice on finding a partner and building a family. To help Victor, I turned to numerology, using the method of Leonard Mikhalovsky. By analyzing Victor's numbers, I uncovered insights into his strengths, weaknesses, and potential paths.

Numerology destiny profile (NDP)
Looking at the Tarot cards, I got a picture of Victor's personality. The presence of two Emperors arcana, especially on the life mission position, indicates a person of strong will and leadership qualities. The Moon and the Fool cards revealed Victor's creative spirit and adventurous nature.
However, there are also hints of loneliness, indicated by the inverted Hermit card in karma cards. This shows a tendency towards introspection and isolation, which could sometimes lead to feelings of solitude.
The influence of fate and karma is large in Victor's life, as evidenced by the presence of the Fortune as his birth card and 3 Justice arcana. The Justice card symbolizes a demand from the Universe for fairness and balance, indicating that Victor's actions would have significant consequences, both positive and negative. It's essential for him to tread carefully and make decisions with integrity to avoid future karmic repercussions.
I suggested that Victor's path could align well with a creative leadership role, which he confirmed by sharing his experience as a creative producer. We delved into the significance of each Tarot card in his matrix, discussing their advantages and potential pitfalls. I will not share all the details of hour discussion but here are the recommendations I gave to Victor, based on his requests and numerological profile:
Moving abroad: your numerological profile has all cards associated with travel - Fortune, Chariot, World, Fool and Hermit, indicating that the world is open to you. Relocating to a new country could not only bring material benefits but also foster spiritual growth. With this combination of cards, you could even consider establishing multiple centers of life in different countries
Personal life: your current life period (41 - 50 years) is represented by the Lovers card, holding significant promise for building meaningful relationships. Establishing a family, in line with the Emperor arcana's theme of leadership, could fulfill your life mission. However, it's crucial to select a partner who shares your ideals and spiritual aspirations. Failure to do so might lead to betrayal (Moon, Magician reversed) and feelings of loneliness within the relationship (Hermit).
Geographical Compatibility
Just like people, countries have birth dates, so we can use numerology to see how compatible we are with them. If a country shares cards related to our karma, it might intensify those lessons for us. On the other hand, if a country matches our cards in the upright position, it could strengthen those aspects of our personality or destiny while living there.
Synastry with countries also lets us analyze shared destinies, karmic influences, and the nature of relationships between individuals and nations. While our cards usually don't influence a whole country, there might be exceptions for people in significant government roles or national spiritual leaders.
I compared Victor's numerological profile with the four countries he was considering—Russia, France, USA, and Georgia.
Looking at Russia, it became apparent why Victor had long harbored a desire to leave. Only one card, the Fortune, was strengthened in Victor's profile by living in Russia, as both Victor and Russia have it in an upright position. However, this is a somewhat dubious advantage, as the Fortune card symbolizes the ups and downs of life.
Also, all (!) of Victor's karma cards were aggravated. This means that his life lessons may become more pronounced or challenging while residing in Russia.

Synastry Russia + Victor
I calculated a synastry, and the card of the fate of relationships between Russia and Victor immediately caught my eye - it's Death. This arcana should almost never be read literally. More often it means a deep transformation or a sharp break in relationships.
Second thing that I've noticed - in total, from the two matrices and the synastry, we get 9 Justice arcana, 5 of them are reversed. You can be 100% sure that in this case karma will not miss a single reason to manifest itself, it is important to be extremely careful.
We discussed synastry with other countries in detail with Victor during a consultation. Here I will give only a short summary for each. An important point: during a consultation, I never make a choice for the client and do not offer ready-made solutions, but I help to see the pros and cons of each option. The decision is always yours.

Victor's life mission, symbolized by the Emperor card, finds further reinforcement. France may serve as a conducive environment for Victor to fulfill his destiny.
Romantic prospects in France appear promising, with the presence of four Lovers cards indicating numerous opportunities for romantic adventures and connections. However, it's important to note that the polarized Hermit card suggests an increasing sense of loneliness, which may intensify even further in social settings. Additionally, there's a risk of encountering challenges related to new projects and potential deception, particularly highlighted by the negative aspect of the reversed Magician card.
the country's birth card, the Hermit, overlays Victor's karma. This alignment may heighten feelings of loneliness and isolation for Victor, but it also presents an opportunity for spiritual growth and introspection.
Despite the potential challenges associated with the Hermit card, there are promising indications of relationships and the formation of a family. The presence of the Lovers card suggests opportunities for new connections and romantic relationships, while the Strength card signifies passion, vitality, and overall well-being. Additionally, the Sun card further emphasizes success, joy, and the potential for children, indicating a fertile ground for personal and familial fulfillment in Georgia.
None of Victor's karma cards are aggravated, furthermore, the USA contributes positively to the fulfillment of Victor's life mission, as indicated by the Emperor arcana.
The presence of the strengthened Lovers card suggests that Victor may find it easy to establish connections and build romantic relationships in the USA. However, this may also manifest in situations requiring difficult choices or decisions.
Properties of relationships - the Temperance card, may indicate the possibility of physical healing, as well as the ability to manage resources wisely or lead a more balanced and moderate lifestyle.
The destiny of relationships, represented by the Fortune card, suggests periods of luck and failure that alternate. It's essential to maintain a high level of awareness and mindfulness to navigate these fluctuations and maximize the positive outcomes.
What to do with the results
You got your Numerology destiny profile (NDP), now you possess a comprehensive understanding of your strengths, growth opportunities, and pathways to personal development. Remember, there are no inherently "bad" Arcana or NDPs — what truly matters is how you harness this knowledge to shape your life's journey.
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